The National Police Foundation (NPF) would like to thank the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) for its encouragement and support in the creation of this guide, particularly Deborah Meader. Additionally, NPF would like to thank UCF RESTORES, the National Center of Excellence for First Responder Behavioral Health for assisting in the creation of this guide, with a special thanks to Deborah Beidel, Ph.D. Our fellow BJA VALOR Initiative partner organizations, the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), Institute for Intergovernmental Research (IIR), Polis Solutions, Inc., and the Virginia Center for Policing Innovation (VCPI) provided invaluable input and resources to bolster this effort. Finally, NPF would like to offer its gratitude to the following men and women of law enforcement who continue to stand in the fray every day and who provided vital reactions and guidance throughout the development of this guide: Lieutenant Bill Walsh (Voorhees Police Department, NJ), Sergeant Katrina Harrington (Calhoun County Sheriff’s Office, MI), Sergeant Mike Pitrusu (Aurora Police Department, CO), Officer Sammie Wicks (Aurora Police Department, CO), and Lieutenant Travis Norton (Oceanside Police Department, CA).
Christine Johnson is a Project Associate at the National Police Foundation, supporting the VALOR officer safety project. Prior to joining the National Police Foundation, Christine served as the Strategic Analysis Specialist for the DC Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) from 2016 to 2020. In this role, she was responsible for facilitating data sharing agreements, as well as establishing partner agencies’ access to the CJCC’s information sharing database, JUSTIS. She also took on project management duties with respect to the agency’s two grant-funded initiatives through BJS’s NCHIP (National Criminal History Improvement Program), which implemented information sharing infrastructure between the District of Columbia and the FBI. Finally, Christine guided the agency’s effort to organize and update the JUSTIS System Security and Privacy Plan, to remain in compliance with federal information security standards.
Pauline Alvarado is a Project Associate at the National Police Foundation. Pauline’s previous criminal justice, government, and nonprofit experience encompasses analytical and project management roles at the Council of State Governments Justice Center, Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office, and White House Office of Management and Budget. Pauline has co-authored reports, designed government agency dashboards, overhauled grant reporting information systems, and consulted on data visualizations, all in the spirit of leveraging practical criminal justice policy and science to advance data-informed decision-making. Pauline earned a Master of Science in Criminology and Master of Public Administration from the University of Pennsylvania and a B.A. in Mass Communications from the University of California, Berkeley. Her accolades include a mayoral appointment as the Seattle Human Rights Commission Co-Chair (2016-2017) and Lipman Family Prize Fellowship (2017-2018) at the Wharton School for global social impact and philanthropy.
Jen Zeunik is the Director of Local Programs for the National Police Foundation, where she provides leadership and oversight for the organization, as well as project, financial and staff management. She has extensive experience in public administration, law enforcement organizations and practices, non-profit management, government grants and contracts and organizational leadership. She is responsible for PF’s portfolio of state and local programs, including critical incident and after-action reviews, organizational assessments and studies, strategic planning, management studies, training and technical assistance and other organizational change services. Throughout her career, Ms. Zeunik has worked closely with a variety of stakeholder organizations in policing program and policy areas. She works with federal, state and local executives, law enforcement and public safety command staff to leverage evidence-based strategies to address critical contemporary policing issues. Her goal is to advance the health, safety and performance of law enforcement officers and organizations and the communities they serve by providing evidence-based, data-supported resources and solutions.
Chief (Ret) Frank Straub, Ph.D. is the Director of the National Police Foundation’s Center for Mass Violence Response Studies (CMVRS). Under his leadership, the NPF has conducted in-depth studies of targeted mass violence events in San Bernardino, Kalamazoo, Orlando, Parkland, and the University of North Carolina-Charlotte. He has also led reviews of the police response to civil unrest in several cities. It was under his leadership, that the NPF began including mental health practitioners on its review teams to ensure counseling services or referrals were available to responders, survivors and witnesses. Dr. Straub is the project manager for the national Averted School Violence project, a national database, funded by the US Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services. He has also led a DHS funded Countering Violent Extremism project in Boston, MA. Prior to joining the National Police Foundation, Dr. Straub served for more than 30-years in federal, state and local law enforcement.
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This project was supported by cooperative agreement number 2016-VI-BX-K001 awarded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance. The Bureau of Justice Assistance is a component of the Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs, which also includes the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the National Institute of Justice, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the Office for Victims of Crime, and the SMART Office. Points of view or opinions in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
This report was prepared by the National Police Foundation (NPF). The National Police Foundation is the oldest nationally known, non-profit, non-partisan, and non-membership driven organization dedicated to advancing policing through innovation and science.
The internet references cited in this publication were valid as of the date of publication. Given that URLs and websites are in constant flux, the NPF cannot vouch for their current validity.
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