Good Nutrition in High Stress Police Situations

High stress police operations, such as crowd management during periods of civil unrest, is mentally and physically demanding. Crowd management often challenges you to push your body beyond normal limits without leaving recovery time, leading to poor performance, fatigue, insomnia, and injury. In the summer of 2020, you and your fellow officers repeatedly worked shifts that, in many cases, exceeded 12 hours for 10 to 12 days straight, leaving little time and few safe locations for appropriate nutrition, rest, exercise, recovery, or sleep.

Large numbers of arrests, long periods on bicycles, standing or moving in formations, and responding to threats are physically and mentally demanding tasks. Nutrition is an important factor in the successful performance of these demanding police operations.34 While you’re assigned to crowd management, you must be focused and prepared to carry out your assignments in uncertain and volatile operating environments.

Some considerations during high stress operations:35

Overcoming Nutrition Challenges

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